Friday, July 6, 2012

Best: Salted Egg Yolk Bun/Lau Sa Bao 流沙包

Dim Sum has an important part in Cantonese cuisine. Among all the steamed buns they served, "Lau Sa Bao" is definitely the BEST.

This type of bun has MANY English names: Salted Egg Yolk Bun, Golden Flowing Sand Bun, Salty Egg Custard Bun, etc. Flowing sand bun is the direct translation from the Chinese name 流沙包.

What's inside the bun?
Creamy egg yolk custard! You have to eat the bun shortly after you take it out of steamer. Recommended serving it hot.

Where to find it?
Chinese supermarkets. Especially this brand in the blog post. It's from one of the famous Guangzhou/Canton restaurant. Don't over steam!

Price: ~$3-5, 9 pieces inside
Rating: 5/5, the bun is sooooo yummy!

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